
The Last of Us

It’s hard to have a verdict on your own life in the process of living it. There will be ups and downs, and some downs can be downright shitty. In between the cracks of mayhem and desolation though, the blue of the sky still exists, and when bluer than yesterday, I choose to stop and be stunned.

“Well, is that everything you hoped for?”
“Jury’s still out. But, man… you can’t deny that view.”

–Cutscene from The Last of Us by Naughty Dog

    Barbie Liu

    Barbie possesses a curiosity in the negotiation between her Chinese upbringing and Western exposure. She is a recent HKU graduate, and continues to explore her interest in the Arts, particularly Art History and English Literature. As a visual artist, she runs an Instagram page showcasing ink sketches of architecture, ancient Greek craftsmanship, and blackberries.

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