Jamie Chang

A Writer’s Life with Jamie
Series of conversations exploring the gravity of events in Hong Kong and unfamiliar personal moments of history
Childhood Memories
Dim Sum & Graduation...Dim Sum (點心) and hotpot, the latter especially in winter. Cliché Hong Kong answer, truly. Our family ate dim sum almost every weekend when I was young....
Vatic State
Ultimately, why are we here? What are we put here for? Reminds me of Westworld: are even the things we attempt to do (the things which are out of our...
I think I found this song back in December last year actually, but now with the Situation Room in mind, I experienced this song again in a different light somehow...?
Special Food of Hong Kong
One of the few things that encouraged my motivation and productivity during this time of quarantine: baking, and making desserts.
Signature Piece on Clothing
A piece that I still have in my wardrobe now is a white t-shirt with a large yellow Three Eyed Face (by artist, Keith Haring) printed on the front. This...