Creative Writers

Feeling Home
A moving glimpse of not home.
Childhood Memories
Dim Sum & Graduation...Dim Sum (點心) and hotpot, the latter especially in winter. Cliché Hong Kong answer, truly. Our family ate dim sum almost every weekend when I was young....
The dolphin floated and bobbled at the end of my frayed yellow string. Vendors and customers yelled and negotiated under the blotchy navy sky...
Home Life
Listening to Cantopop in my father's car/ at home from radio played by my mum (my mum tuned into the radio all the time when I was in primary school)...Singers...
Vatic State
Ultimately, why are we here? What are we put here for? Reminds me of Westworld: are even the things we attempt to do (the things which are out of our...
Lost in Books
I've been reading a lot more this year, partly because being at home gives me to room and motivation to pick up an old habit anew, and I end up...